Manuel Tiozzo

My name is Manuel, born in Venice on June 20, 1996.

My childhood is full of memories, the most beautiful ones probably spent with family. Between bike rides with friends and video game matches, the teenage years arrive along with the beginning of school.

I followed my studies up to high school and then interrupted them to dedicate myself to the working world, starting a training path in my parents' local craft shop, where I still enjoy working.

Driven by my strong curiosity, I have a keen interest in all places considered "strange" by most other people. My first exploration took place at 16, on the Island of Poveglia, and it would only be the first of many others.

And here, I can best express myself in the second thing I love doing the most: PHOTOGRAPHY. My goal? To give an emotion with a simple shot, trying to relive together memories of a past life. Manuel Tiozzo Alias TheVenetianExplorer).

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